Understand Your Communication Style

Take this quick quiz to discover whether your communication style is Avoidant, or Anxious.
Gain valuable insights into how you respond during conflicts and learn simple, effective ways to build deeper, more meaningful connections with the people in your life.
Start your quiz today and take the first step toward better relationships.

Progress: step 1 out of 34
During conflict I... *
1 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
If someone I'm dating starts acting cold and distant, I... *
2 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
3 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
4 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
5 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
6 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
7 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
8 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
9 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
10 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
11 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
12 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
Note: This next section will ask you about your relationship with your father, mother, or romantic partner. If a question is not relevant to you, you may select the "I disagree" option.
I prefer not to show my mother how I feel deep down. *
I'm afraid that my mother may abandon me. *
I find it easy to depend on my mother. *
I don't feel comfortable opening up to my father. *
It helps to turn to my father in times of need. *
I worry that my father doesn’t care about me as much as I care about him. *
In romantic relationships I... *
13 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
14 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
15 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
16 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
17 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
18 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *
19 Select the answer that you most closely relate to. *

Congrats, you've answered all the questions!

You're that much closer to understanding your communication style, unlocking new growth in yourself and your relationships.

This next section will ask you some information about yourself.
In order to see your results, you will have to complete this part of the quiz too.

Benefits of Discovering Your Communication Style:

  • Build Healthier Relationships: Understand how your style influences your interactions and take steps to create stronger, more supportive connections.
  • Resolve Conflicts More Easily: Learn practical tools to navigate disagreements with confidence and empathy.
  • Boost Self-Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your own emotions and responses, helping you grow personally and relationally.
  • Improve Emotional Intimacy: Unlock ways to communicate effectively and foster closer, more meaningful bonds.
  • Reduce Misunderstandings: Recognize patterns in your communication style that may be holding you back and learn how to address them.
  • Enhance Personal Growth: Take the first step toward self-improvement by identifying key areas to focus on for better relationships.

Want free tips to secure your communication style?

Gain the skills and knowledge to express yourself more clearly, listen actively,

and handle conflicts with grace.